The 7 most important soft skills for independent contractors

4 min readAug 16, 2022


There’s no doubt technical skills are essential for a successful career in IT. When clients are hunting for the best tech professional for the job, they’re going to scan your CV for relevant hard skills, knowledge, and experience.

Soft skills, however, are what can put you ahead of your competition and ensure a successful business. Being able to interact well with others, communicate needs clearly, resolve conflicts, and problem solve are the things that not only lead to improved team performance and better results, but also make it easy for clients to keep wanting to work with you.

If you’re an independent contractor looking to up your soft skills game, here are seven most common skills you should focus on developing:

1. Empathy and emotional intelligence

Being able to see both sides of every issue, and understand and control your emotions (and the emotions of others) is critical in any collaborative setting. After all, you’ll often work as part of a team, whether it’s with other freelancers or in-house staff.

Understanding different perspectives not only allows you to find common ground more easily and build better relationships, but can also help prevent and resolve conflicts before they escalate. It also allows you to step into the shoes of a client and better understand their needs so that you can provide them with the customer experience they didn’t expect to have.

2. Adaptability and flexibility

Another soft skill that will serve you well is being able to adapt to changing circumstances quickly. Project details often change, and being able to adapt to new situations, technologies, and ways of working is essential for success.

Flexibility is also key — being able to work different hours or in different locations (if necessary) can make you a more attractive proposition for companies. And if you’re able to take on last-minute assignments or tight deadlines without complaint, that’s another bonus.

3. Excellent communication skills

IT professionals need to be able to communicate their ideas clearly, whether they’re writing an email, giving a presentation, or leading a meeting. The ability to get your point across in a way that is easy for others to understand is essential in any professional setting.

But it’s not just about being able to express yourself clearly — effective communication also involves active listening. Being able to really hear what someone is saying, and understand their needs, will make it easier to build relationships, solve problems, and reach agreements.

4. Creativity

While independent contractors might not all be designers or artists, creativity is still an important soft skill to possess. After all, the ability to come up with new ideas and approaches is essential for solving problems, developing new products or services, and coming up with innovative ways to market them.

If you’re able to think outside the box and offer creative solutions, you’ll not only impress them but also make it more likely they’ll want to work with you again in the future.

5. Proactivity

The final soft skill on our list is proactivity — independent contractors who are always one step ahead are sure to impress potential clients. Being proactive means being organized and efficient, but it also involves taking initiative and being able to see opportunities where others might not.

If you can show clients that you’re always thinking about ways to improve their business or solve their problems, you’re sure to stand out from the crowd. So if you’re not already doing so, start thinking about ways you can add value and make a difference in your clients’ businesses.

6. Persuasiveness

The ability to persuade and influence others is a soft skill that can be incredibly useful for independent contractors. After all, being able to get people on board with your ideas — whether it’s clients, team members, or stakeholders — is essential for success.

Persuasive people are often able to see both sides of every issue and find common ground. They’re also good at communicating their ideas clearly and confidently, and understand the needs of those they’re trying to convince. If you can learn to be more persuasive, you’ll find it much easier to get people on board with your ideas and achieve your goals.

7. Intrapersonal and interpersonal skills

Intrapersonal skills are those that help you understand and manage yourself, while interpersonal skills are those that enable you to interact effectively with others. Both types of skills are important for independent contractors.

Having strong intrapersonal skills means being aware of your own strengths and weaknesses, and knowing how to manage your time, emotions, and stress levels. Interpersonal skills, on the other hand, involve being able to communicate and build relationships with others.

How to develop the soft skills you don’t have

If you’re an independent contractor who feels like they’re lacking in soft skills, don’t worry — there are plenty of ways to develop them. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Read books or articles on the topic
  • Take a class or participate in an online course
  • Attend workshops or networking events
  • Join a professional network forum and discussions with other professionals
  • Get a coach or mentor
  • Practice, practice, practice!

Developing soft skills is essential for small business owners and for the self employed in the tech industry. Instead of a full-time employer, you will ultimately be the one responsible for growing your small business.

If you can develop both hard skills and soft skills, you’ll find it much easier to navigate the world of self-employment — and impress potential clients in the process.




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