7 ways to build strong relationships with clients

4 min readOct 4, 2022


No matter what business you’re in, building strong client relationships is key to success. After all, they are the loyal clients who will keep coming back, recommend you to others and maintain a long-lasting relationship with your company. But how do you go about doing that? Here are five practical ways to build successful client relationships so they come back, recommend you and maintain long-term relationships.

What a good client relationship looks like

Every strong client relationship is unique in its own way, but if you are trying to figure out if you have a great relationship with your clients, here are some positive signs:

  • There is a sense of trust and mutual respect.
  • Communication is open, timely and effective.
  • They are interested in what you have to say and they value your opinion.
  • Both parties are invested in the relationship and see it as valuable.
  • There are clients who are happy to give referrals and provide testimonials.

Detecting a challenging client relationship

On the flip side, here are some signs that might indicate you haven’t got a good relationship with your clients:

  • You’re always chasing them for payments.
  • They’re constantly changing their minds about what they want.
  • They never seem satisfied with your work, no matter how much you try to please them.
  • They’re always demanding more from you without being willing to pay extra.
  • They’re constantly complaining and are never happy with what you deliver.
  • You dread having to communicate with them.

Poor client relationships can be detrimental to your business. If you find that you have a bad relationship with a client, it’s important to try to salvage the situation. If that’s not possible, then it might be time to let the client go.

7 tips for building client relationships that last

1. Get to know them

The first step in building any strong relationship is getting to know the other person. And that’s no different when it comes to your clients. Take the time to learn about their business, their goals and the client’s expectations of you and your company. Learn their company culture, the values they work by, and what’s important to them. The better you know them, the more you’ll be able to tailor your services to meet their needs.

2. Be responsive

When a client reaches out to you, they expect a timely response. Whether it’s via email, phone or social media, make sure you are responsive to their inquiries. If you can’t get back to them right away, let them know when they can expect a response from you. And if you promised to follow up with them on something, make sure you do. Nothing frustrates clients more than feeling like they’re being ignored.

3. Communicate effectively

Like any other relationship, a successful client relationship involves effective communication. Communicating effectively is more than just being clear and concise in your communication. It also means being a good listener. Really listen to what your clients are saying and try to understand their needs. If you’re not sure what they’re looking for, ask questions. Set realistic expectations upfront while being honest about limitations. Pre-empt any potential misunderstandings by regularly checking in with your clients and always keeping them updated on the status of their project.

4. Make life easier for them

Clients are busy people and they’re often working on tight deadlines. So, make their life easier by being as helpful as possible. If you have a solution to a problem they’re facing, let them know. If you think of something that will make a process simpler yet effective for them, suggest it. This is such an effective way for developing client relationships, especially when they are new clients. They’ll appreciate your thoughtfulness and it will make working with you that much easier.

5. Go the extra mile

Most workers won’t go the extra mile because they don’t think it’s necessary or they don’t want to do more work than they’re already doing. But those who do go the extra mile often find that their clients are much more satisfied with the work they receive, and they’re more likely to come back for more. It could be something like doing a little extra research to find an innovative solution to a problem, but it made all the difference to them. Even small efforts can go a long way in developing positive client relationships.

6. Be flexible

Being able to adapt to change is key to maintaining client relationships. Things change all the time in business, and being able to adjust to those changes quickly will show your clients that you’re flexible and willing to work with them. If a client asks for something that you don’t typically do, be open to doing it. You don’t have to say yes to everything, but hearing them out and being open to change will show that you’re committed to meeting their needs.

7. Be transparent

Transparency is critical in any relationship, but especially in business. Your clients need to be able to trust you and feel confident that you’re being honest with them. That means being transparent about your prices, your policies, and the work you’re doing for them. If there’s a problem, don’t try to hide it. Address it head-on and work with your client to find a solution. New and existing clients will respect you for your honesty and it will strengthen the professional relationship you have with them.

Final thoughts

Forming great, long-lasting relationships with clients doesn’t happen overnight. It may be a bigger challenge if you just aren’t that socially inclined. But even the most introverted among us can learn to build strong relationships by following these simple tips. It takes time, effort, and a lot of hard work. But if you’re willing to put in the work, you’ll find that it’s well worth it. Your clients will be happier, and your business will be better for it.




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